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As the baseball coach at Lutheran High School from 2005 to 2019, I have great memories of players, coaches, games, practices, specific performances, bus rides, wins and losses. Over the years I have spoken with former players, coaches, parents and friends about their experiences with Lutheran Baseball. In these conversations, I am regularly surprised by the memories these individuals have that I do not remember or did not know from the same experiences. My intent with this site is to present my memories about Lutheran Baseball and to provide an opportunity for players, coaches and others to reminisce and to include their memories about those experiences. Please enjoy reading about the various topics related to the Lutheran Baseball experience. New articles will be added, so check back to see what is new or to re-read ones you have seen. I encourage you to add your memories and ideas, positive please, to enhance the topics. Also, if you have ideas for topics, please let me know. Enjoy the memories!





Coach Alter


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